Friday, April 1, 2016

"The Things You Are Passionate About Are Not Random, They Are Your Calling." - Fabienne Fredrickson

Hello my beautiful people, 

Happy first day of April! 
A new month for new goals and opportunities. 

This blog post is going to be different today. It is not going to be the typical beauty or fashion post, but instead an inspirational post that touches on personal growth and development. 

The sole reason why I started this blog was to showcase my passions. My intention was to do something that I loved, and share it with others. I really wanted to focus hard on discovering the path I was supposed to take in life. I felt like I was having a mid-life crisis, but at the age of twenty-two. (It makes me laugh just writing that.) Anyways, I did just that and started my blog! 

This blog was something that I should have started years ago! Beauty and fashion were always my thing. I took time in planning out my outfits the night before I went to school, often "window shopping" online, I participated in my high school fashion show, I took fashion merchandising, people usually always complimented me on the things I wore and how I wore them. 

I also took a liking to makeup. I started practicing a lot on myself, watching YouTube tutorials, and then practicing on others. I usually did about a handful of girls' makeup on the dance team in high school before every football or basketball game. They went out of their way to ask me, and it felt great knowing that they were happy. I did a bridal parties makeup for a wedding once too, and the list goes on.

I often heard from others, you should start a blog! I knew I should have, but I did not listen. At that point in time in my life, I guess you could say I was not ready for it. I still needed to figure life out and learn the hard way a little. I'm glad it panned out the way it did though. 

You see, these were huge signs  as to what I was supposed to be doing in life. Some how, I veered of that path and pursued other things that I liked, but I did not love. (By the way, there is a huge difference between liking and loving something.)

The past three years I felt like I was working towards something that I felt like I had to do. The usual go to college, get a degree, and find a well paying job with benefits. Although, I survived that journey, and it is still on-going in some respect, I still felt like it was forced. 

Back then, I knew I wanted to do real estate. I was adamant about getting my license and becoming an agent. I attended college and got a degree in Interior Design thinking it would coincide well with my future in residential real estate. 

Once again, I liked interior design school and real estate, but I realized that it is not my true calling. Actually when it comes to interior design and real estate I rather be working on my own home, or fixing up a property, and flipping it for profit. That is what I gravitate towards when it comes to those topics, and I would still like to try that at some point in the future. 

The sad part is, I always envisioned making all this money from doing fixer uppers and flipping properties, but you know what I planned to do with all that money? Buy more clothes, shoes, makeup, travel the world, start other businesses, and be fabulous! So you see I was motivated by money, and you know what that gets you when it comes to the well-being of your soul? N o t h i n g

Not only that, but as a real estate agent you own your own business and you are your own boss. You make the hours you want and answer to no one. (Ha! Except, I learned that is partly true. In real estate, you are on your client's time and kiss the ground that they walk on). The whole idea of being my own boss was something that I always wanted since I was a child. It was something innate inside me. I always envisioned having my own business in the future. Now I'm finally seeing that I should have pursued this lifestyle in another industry. 

Therefore, I am going back to my roots! I wholeheartedly believe that you can make a career by doing the things you are passionate about. I plan to do so, and if it does not work it is probably because I gave up, which is never going to happen.  Who really wants to waste their life doing something they could give two $h!t$ about? Not me! 

A quote by Fabienne Fredrickson really resonated with me, "The Things You Are Passionate About Are Not Random, They Are Your Calling." I completely agree with this statement. It helps reinforce the message I am trying to convey, and that is do what you love! Your talents and gifts are not random, but something that you should take seriously. You have the ability to design your own life! 

Once again, thank you all so much for taking the time to read my post. I hope it inspires and encourages you to take control of your destiny. 


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